Access the world’s best life sciences event for free*
June 12th - 13th 2024 | BCEC Boston

The Festival of Genomics & Biodata
The best things in life are FREE

The Festival is designed principally for scientists and clinicians who are working in the fields of genomics, other omics, and/or using biodata, to further research, drug discovery, healthcare and – ultimately – deliver better patient outcomes.

It’s brimming with essential insights from 160+ world class speakers , challenging discussions on essential topics (see the full agenda here), and powerful learning and networking experiences.

Not only that – it’s free for 90% of attendees.

Registering will give you access to 7 theatres of presentations and panel discussions, roundtable discussions and workshops, post-event recordings for sessions you miss (for attendees only), and a variety of unique features that will help you push your work forwards and have fun at the same time.
Catalina Lopez-Correa
Chief Scientific Officer
Genome Canada
Stephen Tsang
Co-Director for Stem Cells
Colombia University
Leroy Hood
Phenome Health
Virginia Savova
Senior Director
Christopher Mason
Weill Cornell Medicine
Tom Lanz
Senior Director
The Festival of Genomics & Biodata
A purpose beyond profit.

The event is free for 90% of attendees. You might be asking, ‘what’s the catch?’

There is no catch. The Festival is breaking the myth that the best life sciences events are also the most expensive to attend. And we have good reasons for doing this.

The Festival was set up after the death of the CEO’s father to cancer, and with a mission to deliver the benefits of genomics to patients faster. It was set up to prioritize social impact, not profit. You can read more about this here.

Access to newly published work is often behind a paywall. Most events cost a fortune to attend. This holds back progress and denies opportunities for scientists and clinicians to learn and develop.

We want to change that – by democratizing access to valuable intelligence and experiences that will push your work forwards, and ultimately benefit patients.

Image Panels
Panel 1
Roundtable Discussions
Engage in in-depth discussions.
Panel 2
Participate in hands-on workshops.
The Poster Zone
Explore innovative work showcased in the poster zone.
Panel 4
Speed Networking
Form new connections that could last a lifetime.
Interactive Topics
The Festival of Genomics & Biodata

Here is what a few of our previous attendees had to say about the last Festival of Genomics & Biodata in Boston:

"I was very excited to hear about the new biological insights that are arising from the convergence of single cell and long read sequencing technologies. A high-quality event, right in my own neighborhood - can't beat that!"

Randall Kerstetter
Director, Nucleic Acid Sequencing
Vertex Pharmaceuticals

"It was great to attend FoG Boston and hear from a diversity of thought leaders and see the progress they are making. I liked the focus on conversations and dialogue."

Kahlil Lawless
Global Segment Manager

"Best genomics conference I have been to.....ever. It was intellectual gluttony."
